Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I have been a bad blogger. Not much exciting has happened around here. Just our normal day to day activities. Work has been busy but good for Ross. The kids and I enjoy our time playing at home and learning new things. It snowed once and the weather has been the same. I am glad this winter has had far less snow than last winter. I am a warm weathered girl at heart.

I will try to post pictures today while the kids go down for a nap!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 1 Recap

So this blogging thing isn't as easy as I would have thought. I never realized how attached I was to social media and how easy it was. My iPhone, which is now currently is week 2 of being broken, let me have access to anything at the tip of my fingers. I could post new pictures, update a status with anything I was thinking in the blink of an eye. I guess a blog is good in this aspect. I have to actually sit and take the time to write out a post or upload pictures from my camera. The last part is a bit harder. I don't always have the time to grab the big fancy camera and snap a picture of the kids. And if I do have the time and grab it, they usually have noticed and stopped doing the cute or crazy things they were.  Anyway here is a quick update of the first week of 2014.

We stayed in for NYE, the kids went to bed at a normal time and Ross and I stayed up and watched a few shows. I think I finally gave up around 11:15pm and went to sleep. I am sure Ross followed shortly after. We enjoyed our last few days of Ross working half days and just bummed around the apartment. The Christmas decor and trees went in the storage room and the living room finally went back to normal, with just a few new toys thrown into the piles. Daisy, our cat, finally was able to be seen to be spayed, but of course not before she went into heat one more time. Hopefully we will never have to go through that again. Honestly a cat in heat in the most annoying thing I have ever dealt with. Kenzie even began telling me "Go lock daisy up in her cave(cage), her is too loud and annoying me!"

I have started eating healthier and working out on the elliptical everyday. I haven't missed a day this year! And for me that is a big thing. I am 1 week in and have already lost 5 pounds! I have also began reading the bible. I try to find the time everyday, normally during nap time while its quiet and I can focus, and just read and listen to His world. I have never actually sat down and read the bible. It's just so interesting to me. I love that I am learning and building this relationship. I hope this continues. 

Ross returned back to work this week and the kids and I already miss him. It was so nice having him home for a few weeks after only working half days. But we will get back into a routine and I am hoping time will pass quickly and before we know it we will know when and were we are pcs'ing. 

So I think that catches you up to date on us for this past week. I will make another post later on with the few pictures I do have from this year :) 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year!

Happy 2014 everyone!

It is the end of the first day of the new year here in good ole South Korea. I started 2014 off with a not typical middle of the night wake up call from Landon. He seemed upset and wouldn't calm himself down like normal so I brought him into bed with Ross and I. Well Landon is a crazy sleeper, he must get that from his daddy, or maybe me! Anyway there was no way we could all get comfortable so at some point Ross made his way to Kenzie's queen size bed and snuggled her. Landon and I woke up around 7:30 this morning and snuggled for a bit, before he decided he wanted to venture out and find dada. 

It was so nice to have both started off our days and year for that matter, by snuggling our littlest loves. Snuggling, kisses and "I love you's" are always the best part of my morning.
We spent the rest of the skyping with family and catching up on Christmas and NYE plans. 
Then the little ones went down for naps, with no fights today, and Ross and I picked up the house and relaxed. Nap time was over entirely to soon and then it was snack time and playtime. The kids love all the new Melissa&Doug wooden toys they received for Christmas. It's so nice they are at the point where they share, most of the time, the toys they have with one another. Then it was dinner time and shortly after that color bath time. Kenzie loves these little tablets that change the water color. If you ask her it's the best invention ever. Well that or her american girl doll Saige, depends on her mood! Lol! After that daddy took over and watched the cartoon movie of Moses with the kids and I got my work out in. Its something new I have started earlier this week and I am proud to say its getting easier. 

So now the bedtime bible stories have been read, the little ones are tucked in and sleeping peacefully and I am blogging while Ross reads his book "A hunger for God". Oh and how could I forget I official copied everything I needed off Facebook and deactivated it. It felt good. Like a weight lifted off. Now I will not have any distractions standing in my way of being better. So once this blog is posted the computer will go away, and I will cozy up with my new blanket, thanks to my awesome sister in law, and read my book and better learn the word of God. 

It's a new year and I am so excited to see what unfolds. I know God has big plans for our family this year! 

The Shaffer's 

Monday, December 30, 2013


Hi!! I would like to welcome everyone to our new blog.

Today is the last day of 2013 here in Korea. I know its cliche, but I cannot believe how fast this past year has flown by. For the most part I am grateful. I am happy the days that we are apart from all our loved ones are dwindling down, but on the other hand it just means my kids are growing up! 

My goal for 2014 is to simply be better. To be better in my relationship with God, with my husband and my kids. To do better, to live better, and all around just better everything in my life. 

The reason I created this blog was so I could step away from social media. Don't get me wrong, I love Facebook and instagram, pinterest, twitter, and gossip sites, but really at the end of the day there is so much more I could be devoting my time to. The past few months I have felt God calling me and wanting me to better our relationship. I have never felt this way before. It makes me happy to know that He is calling out to me and wanting to be closer to me and for me to be closer to him. I needed to get rid of all outside things that take my attention and focus and redirect those things to Him. And I am happy about my decision!

This blog will be mostly updates on our family and the life changes we will have in 2014! And of course will be loaded with tons of pictures of Kenzie and Landon, because really we all know that is what you all want to see! So welcome to our blog and feel free to comment, email or whatever! And enjoy the pictures! 

-The Shaffer's